Ms. Amber Knauf's Classroom

The English Journal

You can locate these articles from the  English Journal through the NCTE.

"Speaking My Mind: Paper Tiger", by Tom Pamper. Vol. 100, No. 3, January 2011.
        Tom Pamper is an educator from Chippewa Falls High School, who illustrates a small picture on paper consumption in his High School. He uses his compiled research and compares the paper consumption to that of a Tiger. This article is insightful and very interesting how the author compares this idea to something as inconspicuous as an average tiger. The article also reflects on a every growing issue of recycling. I found this article incredibly insightful. Being aware of this idea can help us incorporate recycling habits and ideas among students in and outside the classroom.

"Teaching Where We Are: Place-Based Language Arts", by Merrilyn Lundan. Vol. 100, No. 3, January 2011.

        In her article, Lundan discusses how observing nature and creating personal metaphors, can help students better their writing skills. Having students draw on local places and environmental issues can help them make the place personal through metaphors. This idea can also help encourage students to focus on the natural world around them. I thought her article touched on some important concepts that I think can help encourage creative skills in a students writings.

"Re(place) Your Typical Writing Assignment: An Argument for Place-Based Writing", by Elliot Jacobs. Vol. 100, No. 3, January 2011.

        This article also focuses on place-based methods and how students can incorporate these ideas in their writing. Jacobs article mentions that assignments that explore connections between places, democracy, and literacy. This topics can prove to be inspiring ideas for students. Place-Based writing is based on reflection and observation of ones personal history. Jacobs article was my favorite of the three I had read. The personal references of his past students work was incredibly insightful.

I have found the English Journal to be very resourceful and enjoyable to read. The articles offer many suggestions and ideas for English teachers and how they can incorporate these ideas in their lesson plans.