Ms. Amber Knauf's Classroom

My Teacher Philosophy

        There are many reasons as to why I wanted to be a teacher. The first and possibly the oldest reason being that I have had a few teachers throughout grade school that were incredibly inspiring. To have had so many people encourage and inspire me growing up, I just knew that there was nothing else I wanted to do with my life than teach and inspire kids the way I was inspired. My philosophy is just that, to inspire others.
        There are many important characteristics that make a good teacher. Ambition, charisma, patients, organization and creativity are just some that come to mind. For me, teaching is incorporating all of these characteristics in ones self and into the classroom. Many kids today have lost sight of the important elements History and English Language Arts studies provide. It is not only our job to simply "instruct" or "teach" the required material, but to also show how this material relates today. Reading and writing skills are without saying essential tools for anyone to succeed in today’s world. To find fun, interesting and creative ways to bring these elements to life, can inspire a student in ways that he/she may not have even known were possible.
        Unfortunately, we live in a society that is focused on making the grade. My final thought and hope is to show students that grades do not define who they are as a person, but that its hard work, ambition and dedication that will help them succeed, not only in my classroom, but also in all of their future endeavors.