Ms. Amber Knauf's Classroom

Lesson Plans

The following links are lesson plans I hope to use in my classroom this year. The information provided are resources for myself, my fellow teachers, as well as my students and their parents. To access the lesson plans click on the blue highlighted topics below.

King Arthur: 9-12 Grade
(Can be used for World History or for Language Arts)

This lesson plan allows the students to brainstorm about the main characters that follow the King Arthur legends. After a class discussion about the text and characters, students will be asked to freewrite about their favorite character. Once students have the allocated amount of free writing time, we will discuss dramatic monologues and compare King Arthurs text to other dramatic monologues students may have read in the past. After the lesson on dramatic monologues, students will then be asked to take the information we have gathered and the notes they have from their free write to create a dramatic monologue of the character they selected. At the end of the assignment, students will be asked to present their poem to the class. Vocabulary is an important concept that helps students better understand the material that they are studying. Even though the lesson plan discusses the use of vocabulary, I would have the students build their vocabulary log throughout the assignment.This assignment will take 2-3 days in class activity/assignment.
The Odyssey: 9-12 Grade

In this assignment, students will be divided into groups and instructed to compile a dramatic scene based on at least two characters in one of the sections we discussed in class. Following a lesson on pre-writting, students will be instructed to do pre-write their scene, revise and edit a final copy to turn in. Peer reviewing and editing is an important learning tool that can help students build their editing skills. Once the final draft has been completed, in their groups, students will be required to perform their scene for the class. This assignment will take two class days to complete.

Edgar Allen Poe: 9-12 Grade

This activity will give students the chance to work with a partner and compile research on Edgar Allen Poe. The students will be asked to research and explore a psychological thriller and the elements necessary to create a psychological thriller. After the students have had a chance to research these elements, they will be asked to work individually to create an original piece that portrays these elements (poems, short stories, posters ext.). This assignment will also give students a chance to work in a creative fashion and They will be asked to incorporate some of Poe's terms and phrases into the assignment. Two class periods.